Whenever you make a large purchase, it’s important to ask the right questions, especially if the purchase has anything to do with the protection of you and your possessions. Buying an insurance policy is a big moment in anyone’s life and it requires you to think long and hard about the type of coverage you need. Continue reading
Category: Personal Insurance
Life Insurance In Your Twenties
Life insurance is a necessity for anyone looking to provide themselves and their family with a financial future once they have retired. Most people think of life insurance as something you need once you’ve reached retirement age but, what about purchasing life insurance in your twenties? During your twenties, you may think that you don’t Continue reading
Frequently Asked Questions – Homeowners Insurance
Reed Street Insurance Agency wants to make sure that you are not only covered insurance-wise but also educated on the type of insurance that you have purchased. We offer a frequently asked questions section on our website which provides additional information on the ins and outs of insurance policies. One of the questions asked is Continue reading
What is Protected Under Dwelling Fire Insurance?
A house fire can be devastating but what can be even worse is not having the proper insurance to protect yourself, family and home in the event that a fire takes place. Dwelling Fire insurance policy covers the structure of your home and all of the personal property inside of it. Dwelling insurance can be Continue reading
What is Umbrella Insurance?
The entire point of insurance is to protect yourself, your family and your assets. But, what are you supposed to do if you find yourself in a situation where your current insurance coverage isn’t enough? That is why Reed Street offers umbrella insurance. In this blog, we’ll break down umbrella insurance, what is it and why Continue reading
Best and Worst States for Teen Drivers
Teen Drivers are prone to make mistakes on the road because it is a brand new experience for them. But, did you know that there are certain states where those accidents occur either more or less than other areas of the country? CBS New compiled a list of the best and worst states for teen Continue reading
Five RV Destinations
We at Reed Street like to make sure that we offer a wide range of insurance types for our clients, especially when it comes to transportation. It doesn’t matter if you drive a car, a motorcycle or even use a boat to get around, we have you covered. RV insurance also falls under “transportation,” and we Continue reading
Top Five Rainiest States
There are many things to look forward to now that the weather is moving out of the cold Winter months, to warmer Spring weather. Even though the temperature will be moving up, that doesn’t mean that we are completely absolved from nasty weather, like rain. Paying attention to your home during the rainier months, such Continue reading
Top Boating States
We’re in the beginning stages of Spring, which means warmer weather will soon begin to send us all outdoors to take it all in. There are so many things to do during the warmer months, sporting events, going to the beach and boating. Insurance plays a larger role than you think when it comes to seasonal Continue reading
Auto or Classic Auto Insurance?
Insurance can reach from the most standard of types to more specific kinds, especially with automobiles. In past blog posts, we’ve talked about standard car insurance and even insurance for businesses automobiles but, there are other types of cars that need to be insured especially if you are a lover of classic automobiles. Now, you Continue reading